The Holy Catholic Church, which has fought the battles of Christ for eighteen hundred years, is therefore destined to pass through a persecution compared to which those that she has suffered up to the present time are insignificant. St. Augustine classifies them under three general headings. The first he calls violent, on account of the cruelty with which the early Christians were treated by the Roman Emperors, while at a later period the Church suffered from the deception of false brethren, a trial much more insidious than the former, as it was more dangerous. But the persecution of Antichrist will combine both forms and will consequently prove more redoubtable than when one form only had to be contended with. - The Antichrist by the Rev. Paschal Huchede

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The False Prophet goes before the Antichrist

False Prophet

The Pope's Attitude towards Judaism

Journalist Robert K. Dahl says that Pope John Paul II's acquiescence to Judaism "has the appearance of treason, regardless of intent" (The Remnant, [St. Paul, MN], April 15, 1998). Indeed, in 1999, when John Paul II made the unprecedented decree that "the seeds infected with anti-Judaism" must "never again take root. . . " he was forbidding opposition to the religion of the Pharisees and proscribing the basis of the mission of Jesus Christ (Statement of Pope John Paul II in his "General Audience" at Rome, April 28, 1999, as reported in the official Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, May 5, 1999).

Neither Truth nor Papal 'infallibility' can hinder Rome's grand design to rule the world from a reconstructed temple at Jerusalem in non-Semitic, anti-Semitic, Zionist Israel.

"Such a secular, earthbound state could easily become the political and military power base for the Antichrist when he comes. For the Antichrist will be in perfect accord with the ideals of such a Zionist state. Moreover, the State of Israel has demonstrated that it has the will and ability to go to war and win the secular goals to which its heart is attached. Thus when the Antichrist comes to power as head of such an efficient, superbly equipped, scientific State, founded on nationalism, race and blood, he will be able to conquer the rest of the world. He will be the first, the only Jew to reign with political, economic, military power over the whole world from his capital city, Jerusalem, the city in which Our Lord was crucified" (Fr. Vincent Miceli, S.J., The Antichrist, p. 152).

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The false Prophet:

Rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. A project that all of the Church Fathers and Doctors said was what the Antichrist would do and we would know him and his henchmen thereby. The Church has always warned, based on the warnings given by God himself in the Bible, that there would be a great Apostasy which is the Antichrist Zionist movement, with a false Church which would be where the false Prophet arises from, and a false Messiah which would be the Antichrist. To take the side of the Antichrist Zionist movement, the false Church, the false Prophet or the false Messiah is to be sealed with the mark of the beast and to be condemned by the Lord Jesus Christ to hell forever:

For the Prime Homepage for this Journal see:

About Truth

For how the religious and political events affect Church and State and they in turn affect all of us see this excellent book:

From: “The Plot Against The Pope; Coup dé’tat in the Conclave – 1958 © Copyright 1989 - 2006, by Gary Giuffré

A brief excerpt:

Father Kramer continues:

“ . . . A second “sign” appears in heaven having a hostile relationship to the first. It is a blood-red dragon and is a horrible contrast to the first figure of divine beauty . . . This red dragon . . . brings the Church into great distress at that time. . . No fiercer enemy of God and man has appeared in Christian times than Communism, and strange to say, RED is its emblematic color. Communism may by that time have gained control of the governments of Europe.”

Here, Fr. Kramer could have used the term “Judeo-Freemasonry” interchangeably with “Communism,” since the former gave life to the latter. Also, the color red of the Communist flag originated with the red emblem of the Jewish banking House of Rothschild, which means “red shield.” While the governments of Western European have never become formally Communist, most have been under the tight grip of Freemasonry for many years, and have thus covertly participated with the Masonic "superpowers" in the plot to overthrow the Catholic Church.

In this superbly written book by Mr. Giuffre, it is easy to see the sucinct manner he makes points in; especially by quoting eminent Catholic scholars.

The conclave in 1958 was indeed where the Zionist viper struck with all the venom of that ancient serpent.

Communism under Stalin murdered 60 - 90 million people. Under Mao an equal number again and in all the nasty little offshoots like Fidel's Cuba and North Korea therein and in places like Angola millions more. Communism was a Zionist invention to way lay the world. It is a stage in the overall plan of the Zionists to gain mastery of the whole world. In all of this the Traditional Catholic Church was the greatest obstacle to their nefarious diabolical plans. Judazing Gnostic Protestants have always been allies of the Zionists. The Orthodox Church has no excuse in their participation in the ecumenical games of the Zionist Protestant Cabal. Vatican II is nothing other than complete apostasy. The remnant left are a few traditional Catholics and a few traditional Orthodox and a few simple Trinitarian old fashioned Protestants who embraced what they knew of the faith sincerely and didn't hate their Catholic and Orthodox neighbors.

THE TALMUD UNMASKED THE SECRET RABBINICAL TEACHINGS CONCERNING CHRISTIANS Rev. I. B. Pranaitis Roman Catholic Priest; Master of Theology and Professor

The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay

St. Simon of Trent, Pray for us. The child neither heard nor seen by Vatican II

The Council of Trent

St. Simon of Trent

Bloody Passovers Reported by a Jewish Scholar

Pasque di Sangue - Complete English Translation

MEMRI: Special Dispatch Series - No. 150

Right to Life

Guttmacher and Abortion/Ecumenism

Thus the stage is set for the coming of the Zionist Antichrist to sit in the damned abomination of desolation in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem in Gog-Magog Israel and have his dupes proclaim him a god.

With that blasphemy against the true God, made manifest in the flesh in His Son Jesus Christ and Who, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are the only blessed most high Triune God of three Persons, One God alone deserving the worship of man, will come the final persecution of the remnant and the final testimony of Saints Enoch and Elijah returned to do battle against the Antichrist. Then Jesus Christ will descend and resurrect all men unto judgement.

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