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Palestine Cry: Palestine Cry: Public domain: Delatores - Palestine Cry: Palestine Cry: Public domain: Delatores Palestine Cry: Public domain: Delatores *See these related links:* *Public domain* *Public domain...9 years ago
Traditional Catholic Prayers: When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand. - Traditional Catholic Prayers: When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy ...9 years ago
The Vatican Findings of Malachi Martin - Lucifer's Lodge Found! - *We were warned by Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles and Church Fathers this would happen and not to ever be a part of it upon pain of eternal hellfi...9 years ago
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Decree Against Communism
Decree against communism
Pope Pio XII
Decree of the Holy Office in 1949
Q.1 Utrum licitum sit, partibus communistarum nomen dare vel eisdem favorem praestare.
[By chance is it licit to give name or to make favors to communist parties?]
R. Negative: Communismum enim est materialisticus et antichristianus; communistarum autem duces, etsi verbis quandoque profitentur se religionem non oppugnare, se tamen, sive doctrina sive actione, Deo veraeque religioni et Ecclesia Christi sere infensos esse ostendunt.
Q.2 Utrum licitum sit edere, propagare vel legere libros, periodica, diaria vel folia, qual doctrine vel actioni communistarum patrocinantur, vel in eis scribere.
[By chance is it licit to publish, promulgate or read books, journals or leaflets which defend the action or the communist doctrine, or to write for them?]
R. Negative: Prohibentur enim ipso iure
Q.3 Utrum Christifideles, qui actus, de quibus in n.1 et 2, scienter et libere posuerint, ad sacramenta admitti possint.
[Can Christians who perform the acts mentioned on n.1 and 2 be admitted to the sacraments?]
R. Negative, secundum ordinaria principia de sacramentis denegandis iis, Qui non sunt dispositi
Q.4 Utrum Christifideles, Qui communistarum doctrinam materialisticam et anti Christianam profitentur, et in primis, Qui eam defendunt vel propagant, ipso facto, tamquan apostatae a fide catholica, incurrant in excommunicationem speciali modo Sedi Apostolicae reservatam.
[If Christians declare openly the materialist and antichristian doctrine of the communists, and, mainly, if they defend it or promumulgate it, “ipso facto”, do they incur in excommunication ("speciali modo") reserved to the Apostolic See?]
R. Affirmative
Therefore, all catholic who votes for a communist party (which is a way to make favor) or who affiliates into a communist party, or who writes filo-communist books or magazines are excluded from the sacraments.
Those who defend, promulgate or declare the materialism from the communists are also automatically excommunicated.
This decree from Pius XII’s Holy Office, confirmed by John XXIII in 1959 is still valid. In fact, Pius XII worked personally against communism in Italy.
Such a condemnation of communism adds up to other condemnations made by Pius IX, Leo XIII, St. Pius X, Pius XI, Pius XII (who have condemned it in other opportunities), John XXIII, Paul VI, the Council Vatican II (which reiterated the preceding condemnations) and John Paul II.
It has been more than 100 years that the Catholic Church condemns communism, socialism and any kind of materialism and material egalitarianism. The penalty for those who disobey the prohibition of aiding communism (or its variants) under any aspect (including voting for filo-communist parties) is automatic excommunication.
"Religious socialism, Christian socialism are contradictory terms, for no one can be, at the same time, good catholic and true socialist." (Pio XI)
Pope Pio XII - "Decree against communism"
MONTFORT Associação Cultural〈=eng
Online, 30/04/2010 às 13:51h
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ - click here for link
Chapter 18,
1 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 10:1; Ezek.: 43:2
2 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:8!; Isaiah: 13:21, 22!
3 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:8; 17:2; Jer.: 51:7!; Rev.: 18:9, 15
4 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:45!; 2 Cor.: 6:17!; Eph.: 5:7!; 1 Tim.: 5:22
5 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:9
6 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 50:29!; 2 Thess.: 1:6
7 … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 47:8
8 … Scripture reference –
9 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:3; 17:2; 18:18
10 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:15, 16, 17
11 … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27;32!
12 … Scripture reference –
13 … Scripture reference –
14 … Scripture reference –
15 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:3, 10
16 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:4
17 … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!; Rev.: 18:10
18 … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!; Rev.: 18:9
19 … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!, 32, 33!
20 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 12:12
21 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:63, 64
22 … Scripture reference – Ezek.:26:13!; Jer.: 25:10!
23 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 25:10!
24 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 16:6!
The Fall of Babylon
1 ¶ And after these things, I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power: and the earth was enlightened with his glory. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 10:1; Ezek.: 43:2
2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen: and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every unclean spirit and the hold of every unclean and hateful bird: … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:8!; Isaiah: 13:21, 22!
3 Because all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication: and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her; And the merchants of the earth have been made rich by the power of her delicacies. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:8; 17:2; Jer.: 51:7!; Rev.: 18:9, 15
Her Sins and Punishment
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:45!; 2 Cor.: 6:17!; Eph.: 5:7!; 1 Tim.: 5:22
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven: and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:9
6 Render to her as she also hath rendered to you: and double unto her double, according to her works. In the cup wherein she hath mingled, mingle ye double unto her. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 50:29!; 2 Thess.: 1:6
7 As much as she hath glorified herself and lived in delicacies, so much torment and sorrow give ye to her. Because she saith in her heart: I sit a queen and am no widow: and sorrow I shall not see. … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 47:8
8 Therefore, shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine. And she shall be burnt with the fire: because God is strong, who shall judge her.
Dirge of the Kings
9 ¶ [1] And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived in delicacies with her, shall weep and bewail themselves over her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning: … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:3; 17:2; 18:18
10 Standing afar off for fear of her torments, saying: Alas! alas! that great city, Babylon, that mighty city: for in one hour is thy judgment come. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:15, 16, 17
Dirge of the Merchants
11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her: for no man shall buy their merchandise any more. … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27;32!
12 Merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones: and of pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet: and all thyine wood: and all manner of vessels of ivory: and all manner of vessels of precious stone and of brass and of iron and of marble:
13 And cinnamon and odours and ointment and frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beasts [2] and sheep and horses and chariots: and slaves and souls of men.
14 And the fruits of the desire of thy soul are departed from thee: and all fat and goodly things are perished from thee. And they shall find them no more at all.
15 The merchants of these things, who were made rich, shall stand afar off from her, for fear of her torments, weeping and mourning, … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:3, 10
16 And saying: Alas! alas! that great city, which was clothed with fine linen and purple and scarlet and was gilt with gold and precious stones and pearls. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:4
17 For in one hour are so great riches come to nought.
Dirge of the Mariners
And every shipmaster and all that sail into the lake, and mariners, and as many as work in the sea, stood afar off, … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!; Rev.: 18:10
18 And cried, seeing the place of her burning, saying: What city is like to this great city? … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!; Rev.: 18:9
19 And they cast dust upon their heads and cried, weeping and mourning, saying: Alas! alas! that great city, wherein all were made rich, that had ships at sea, by reason of her prices. For, in one hour she is made desolate. … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!, 32, 33!
20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven and ye holy apostles and prophets. For God hath judged your judgment on her. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 12:12
The Angel’s Promise
21 And a mighty angel took up a stone, as it were a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying: With such violence as this, shall Babylon, that great city, be thrown down and shall be found no more at all. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:63, 64
22 And the voice of harpers and of musicians and of them that play on the pipe and on the trumpet shall no more be heard at all in thee: and no craftsman [3] of any art whatsoever shall be found any more at all in thee: and the sound of the mill shall be heard no more at all in thee: … Scripture reference – Ezek.:26:13!; Jer.: 25:10!
23 And the light of the lamp shall shine no more at all in thee: and the voice of the bridegroom and the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee. For thy merchants were the great men of the earth: for all nations have been deceived by thy enchantments. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 25:10!
24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 16:6!
[1] -Ver. 9-19. This passage is not an account of a vision but rather a direct prophecy, after. the manner of the prophecies of Isaias and Ezechiel concerning Tyre. Tyre furnishes a type of the vengeance of God upon satanic pride and luxury.
[2] -Ver.13. Beasts [of burden]: the Greek has “cattle.”
[3] –Ver. 22 The city had boasted previously of her craftsmen, skilled in every craft.
The Testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ - click here for link
Chapter 13,
1 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:7!; Dan.: 7:3; Rev.: 12:3; 17:3
2 … Scripture reference –
3 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13:12; 17:8
4 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13:12; 17:8
5 … Scripture reference –
6 … Scripture reference –
7 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:7!; 12:17
8 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:8; 20:15!; 21:27; Ps.: 68:29!; Rev.: 14:12
9 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 2:7!
10 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 43:11; Mt.: 26:52; Rev.: 14:12
11 … Scripture reference –
12 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13: 3,4
13 … Scripture reference –
14 … Scripture reference –
15 … Scripture reference –
16 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:9; 20:4
17 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:11!
18 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:9
The Beast of the Sea
1 ¶ (12-18) And he stood upon the sand of the sea. (13-1) And I saw a beast [1] coming up out the sea, having seven heads and ten horns: and upon his horns, ten diadems: and upon his heads, names of blasphemy. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:7!; Dan.: 7:3; Rev.: 12:3; 17:3
2 And the beast which I saw was like to a leopard: and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his own strength and great power. … Scripture reference –
3 And I saw one of his heads as it were slain to death: and his death’s wound was healed. And all the earth was in admiration after the beast. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13:12; 17:8
4 And they adored the dragon which gave power to the beast. And they adored the beast, saying: Who is like to the beast? And who shall be able to fight with him? … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13:12; 17:8
5 And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies: and power was given to him to do, two and forty months.
6 And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven.
7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And power was given him over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:7!; 12:17
8 And all that dwell upon the earth adored him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb which was slain from the beginning of the world. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:8; 20:15!; 21:27; Ps.: 68:29!; Rev.: 14:12
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 2:7!
10 He that shall lead into captivity shall go into captivity: he that shall kill by the sword must be killed by the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints. [2] … Scripture reference – Jer.: 43:11; Mt.: 26:52; Rev.: 14:12
The Beast of the Earth
11 ¶ And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth: and he had two horns, like a lamb: and he spoke as a dragon.
12 And he executed all the power of the former beast in his sight. And he caused the earth and them that dwell therein to adore the first beast, whose wound to death was healed. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 13: 3,4
13 And he did great signs, so that he made also fire to come down from heaven unto the earth, in the sight of men.
14 And he seduced them that dwell on the earth, for the signs which were given him to do in the sight of the beast: saying to them that dwell on the earth that they should make the image of the beast which had the wound by the sword and lived.
15 And it was given him to give life to the image of the beast: and that the image of the beast should speak: and should cause that whosoever will not adore the image of the beast should be slain.
16 And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character [3] in their right hand or on their foreheads: … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:9; 20:4
17 And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:11!
18 Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six. [4] … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:9
[1] -Ver. 1. The picture of the first beast is based on the seventh chapter of Daniel. This beast is the figure of the kingdoms of the world, kingdoms founded on passion and
selfishness, which in every age are antagonistic to Christ and seek to oppress the ,servants of God. Imperial Rome represents this power.
[2] -Ver. 10. The weapons of the saints are faith and patience; they must accept sufferings and persecution as Christ did His cross.
[3] -Ver. 16. Character (mark): as slaves received a brand or a mark in their flesh, indicating to whom they belonged, so in the spiritual conflict there is on the side of good and of evil a
brand or mark. St. Paul spoke of such marks in his own body that proved him a slave of Jesus Christ [Gal. 6, 17]. So the false prophet seeks to, impress a mark on all. What this mark is will be manifested in its time.
[4] -Ver. 18. Six hundred and sixty-six: the original type of the number is that it represents the name Caesar Neron, which in Hebrew characters make up the number 666. (Hebrew words read right to left) — Hebrew letters for Kaiser (Caesar) Neron (Nero) = nrwn ksr = (Hebrew in parentheses) 100 (Kop)+ 60 (Samek)+ 200 (Res)+ 50 (Nun)+ 200 (Res)+ 6 (Waw)+ 50 (Nun) = 666. {Additional source for nrwn ksr and each numeric equivalent: The Anchor Bible Dictionary volume IV – page 1145.} The final Gematria/Isosephia alpha-numeric name is known to God. It symbolizes extreme imperfection, for each digit is one short of seven, the number that signifies perfection; it tells us, as the Church Fathers and Doctors all agree, prophetically, of the name the Antichrist will bear. The Fathers concur emphatically that the number is 666 and not 616 as some corrupt manuscripts mistakenly read.
Capital of World Wide Apostasy from the True God - Città del Vaticano

The Revelation of The Lord God Jesus Christ
The Book of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist of the Revelation Given Him by the Risen Lord Jesus Christ.
{WHO IS THE LAST PROPHET OF THE BIBLE UNTIL SAINT ENOCH AND SAINT ELIJAH RETURN AT THE CONSUMMATION OF DAYS – Muhammad is a prophet of God, Allah (SWT), but his Holy Scripture that God gave him to preach is the Qur’an}
1 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 3:5; 6:7, 9, 12, 8:1
2 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:11; Zach. 6:3!
3 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 6:1!
4 … Scripture reference – Zach.: 6:2![from there go to Zach.1:8]
5 … Scripture reference – Rev.:6:1!; Zach. 6:2
6 … Scripture reference –
7 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 6:1!
8 … Scripture reference – Zach.: 6:3!
9 … Scripture reference – Rev.:6:1!; 1:2, 9; 20:4
10 … Scripture reference – Rev.:3:7; 19;:2!
11 … Scripture reference – Rev.:3:5!; IV Esr. 2:39;
12 … Scripture reference – Mt.: 24:29!; Mk. 13:24, 25: Rev.: 6:1!; 16:18; Isaiah: 34:4!; Rev.: 16:20
13 … Scripture reference – Mt.: 24:29!; Mk. 13:24, 25
14 … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 34:4!; Rev.: 16:20
15 … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 2:19; Rev.: 19:18
16 … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 2:19; Hosea 10:8; Lk. 23:30
17 … Scripture reference – Joel 2:11
2. The Breaking of the First Six Seals
1 ¶ And I saw that the Lamb had opened [1] one of the seven seals: and I heard one of the four living creatures, as it were the voice of thunder, saying: Come and see. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 3:5; 6:7, 9, 12, 8:1
2 And I saw: and behold a white horse, [2] and he that sat on him had a bow, and there was a crown given him, and he went forth conquering that he might conquer. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 19:11; Zach. 6:3!
3 ¶ And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying: Come and see. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 6:1!
4 And there went out another horse that was red. [3] And to him that sat thereon, it was given that he should take peace from the earth: and that they should kill one another. And a great sword was given to him. … Scripture reference – Zach.: 6:2![from there go to Zach.1:8]
5 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying: Come and see. And behold a black horse. [4] And he that sat on him had a pair of scales in his hand. … Scripture reference – Rev.:6:1!; Zach. 6:2
6 And I heard, as it were a voice in the midst of the four living creatures, saying: Two pounds of wheat for a penny, [5] and thrice two pounds of barley for a penny: and see thou hurt not the wine and the oil.
7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying: Come and see. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 6:1!
8 And behold a pale horse: [6] and he that sat upon him, his name was Death. And hell followed him. And power was given to him over the four parts of the earth, to kill with sword, with famine and with death and with the beasts of the earth. … Scripture reference – Zach.: 6:3!
The Martyrs
9 ¶ And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held. [7] … Scripture reference – Rev.:6:1!; 1:2, 9; 20:4
10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, O Lord (Holy and True), dost thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? … Scripture reference – Rev.:3:7; 19;:2!
11 And white robes were given to every one of them one; And it was said to them that they should rest for a little time till their fellow servants and their brethren, who are to be slain even as they, should be filled up. … Scripture reference – Rev.:3:5!; IV Esr. 2:39;
Signs on Earth and in Heaven
12 And I saw, when he had opened the sixth seal: and behold there was a great earthquake. And the sun became black as sackcloth of hair: and the whole moon became as blood. … Scripture reference – Mt.: 24:29!; Mk. 13:24, 25: Rev.: 6:1!; 16:18; Isaiah: 34:4!; Rev.: 16:20
13 And the stars from heaven fell upon the earth, as the fig tree casteth its green figs when it is shaken by a great wind. … Scripture reference – Mt.: 24:29!; Mk. 13:24, 25
14 And the heaven departed as a book folded up. And every mountain, and the islands, were moved out of their places. … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 34:4!; Rev.: 16:20
15 And the kings of the earth and the princes and tribunes and the rich and the strong and every bondman and every freeman hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of mountains: … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 2:19; Rev.: 19:18
16 And they say to the mountains and the rocks: Fall upon us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth upon the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. [8] … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 2:19; Hosea 10:8; Lk. 23:30
17 For the great day of their wrath is come. And who shall be able to stand? … Scripture reference – Joel 2:11
[1] -Ver. 1. The Greek text reads, “when the Lamb had opened.”
[2] -Ver. 2. White horse: this is the horseman of war, for it is Christ Himself Who sends even those (like Titus in 70 A.D against apostate Jerusalem) who don’t acknowledge that it is Him, Christ, Who sends them for vengeance. With the bow, symbolizes the judgement of God upon the apostates, and most emphatically Christ and the victory of His word over the apostates; Cf. Apoc. 19, 11-13 (341).
[3] -Ver. 4. Red one: this horse symbolizes the strife of the infidels against Christ and His faithful (Infidels: especially Judaizing apostate Communist Zionists with all their henchmen including the Nazis) thinking they will overcome Christ and His followers thereby. They will not!!!
[4] -Ver. 5. Black horse: symbolizing death. Ultimately the eternal death of the infidels.
[5] -Ver. 6. A measure of wheat for a denarius: a famine price. For instance “fifty dollars for a five-cent loaf of bread” would indicate, the prices signified. Do not harm the wine and the oil: these are not, like bread necessary for life. In short famine which is visited by the infidels upon Christians to the utter destruction of the infidels, even in this life, by Jesus Christ Himself. One example, of very many, is the great famine caused by the Jew, Joseph Stalin dictator of Communist Russia in the 1930’s, to destroy the Christians in Russia then by death by famine, which only destroyed him and his followers ultimately. There still are Communist Zionists in Russia and Red China who control the governments there, manipulated by the Zionists in false modern “Israel” (2006 A.D.), and actively seek the overthrow of Christ with their Antichrist activities. These all will also utterly fail.
[6] -Ver. 8. A pale green horse: Note in the text “with sword, with famine and with death and with the beasts of the earth” describes siege warfare of the Antichrist against Christians who will not bow the knee to satan. These are the gates of hell, which will not prevail over the Church. See: Mt:16:18:
And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Those who confess Christ and will not bow the knee to baal, that is to satan, to satan’s antichrist, will be preserved by Christ unto life eternal in Christ.
[7] -Ver. 9 – 11 The Martyrdom of the Christians who will not worship the Antichrist
[8] -Ver. 12 – 17 The vengeance of the Lamb, upon those who persecute His followers; His followers who are martyrs rather than succumb to the Antichrist. See: 2Thes:1:7, 8:
And to you who are troubled, rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with the angels of his power:
In a flame of fire, giving vengeance to them who know not God and who obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (DRV)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
This is Video Number Two! Listen everybody, This is just the tip of the iceberg. The Jesuits and Popes have the most treacherous history. Nobody comes close. They have ALMOST totally covered up their bloody history. Let's research and we will find that The fascist Catholic Cult in Rome are the Demons behind the oppression in the world. I was raised catholic. This has nothing to do with the catholic people. It is the Jesuits, Knights of Malta and all the secret societies and government agencies they control.
The above statements are from the film maker. Personally, I believe that the Zionist Jews have a much longer and more ancient history of slaughtering than any other religious sect upon the planet. Just consider the slaughters in the Old Testament well before the creation of Catholicism or Christianity.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Rome has fallen, fallen
The original teaching of St. Irenaeus (180 A.D.), concerning Rome as a Bishop's see, was only that it be centered on by the other Bishops since it was the center of the Roman Empire. He never said it should be the center of Christendom, there is a world of difference. Before that no one even gave it that much sway. After that, it took centuries for the idea of
Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke of Pharisaic domination and to have nothing to do with it when He said:
Matthew 23:9
And call none your father upon earth; for one is your father, who is in heaven.
Matthew 11:25
At that time Jesus answered and said: I confess to thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them to the little ones.
Clearly this concentration of earthly power masquerading as God's will, when in fact, it is NOT God's will, has resulted in nothing but sheer disaster and abomination.
It is indeed time for the
This is emphatic prophecy (see below the Book of the Revelation, The Apocalypse, Chapter 18) of what will physically come to pass.
1 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 10:1; Ezek.: 43:2
2 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:8!; Isaiah: 13:21, 22!
3 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:8; 17:2; Jer.: 51:7!; Rev.: 18:9, 15
4 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:45!; 2 Cor.: 6:17!; Eph.: 5:7!; 1 Tim.: 5:22
5 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:9
6 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 50:29!; 2 Thess.: 1:6
7 … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 47:8
8 … Scripture reference –
9 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:3; 17:2; 18:18
10 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:15, 16, 17
11 … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27;32!
12 … Scripture reference –
13 … Scripture reference –
14 … Scripture reference –
15 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:3, 10
16 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:4
17 … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!; Rev.: 18:10
18 … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!; Rev.: 18:9
19 … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!, 32, 33!
20 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 12:12
21 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:63, 64
22 … Scripture reference – Ezek.:26:13!; Jer.: 25:10!
23 … Scripture reference – Jer.: 25:10!
24 … Scripture reference – Rev.: 16:6!
The Fall of Babylon
1 ¶ And after these things, I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power: and the earth was enlightened with his glory. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 10:1; Ezek.: 43:2
2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen: and is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every unclean spirit and the hold of every unclean and hateful bird: … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:8!; Isaiah: 13:21, 22!
3 Because all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication: and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her; And the merchants of the earth have been made rich by the power of her delicacies. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 14:8; 17:2; Jer.: 51:7!; Rev.: 18:9, 15
Her Sins and Punishment
4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins and that you receive not of her plagues. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:45!; 2 Cor.: 6:17!; Eph.: 5:7!; 1 Tim.: 5:22
5 For her sins have reached unto heaven: and the Lord hath remembered her iniquities. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:9
6 Render to her as she also hath rendered to you: and double unto her double, according to her works. In the cup wherein she hath mingled, mingle ye double unto her. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 50:29!; 2 Thess.: 1:6
7 As much as she hath glorified herself and lived in delicacies, so much torment and sorrow give ye to her. Because she saith in her heart: I sit a queen and am no widow: and sorrow I shall not see. … Scripture reference – Isaiah: 47:8
8 Therefore, shall her plagues come in one day, death and mourning and famine. And she shall be burnt with the fire: because God is strong, who shall judge her.
Dirge of the Kings
9 ¶ [1] And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived in delicacies with her, shall weep and bewail themselves over her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning: … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:3; 17:2; 18:18
10 Standing afar off for fear of her torments, saying: Alas! alas! that great city, Babylon, that mighty city: for in one hour is thy judgment come. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:15, 16, 17
Dirge of the Merchants
11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her: for no man shall buy their merchandise any more. … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27;32!
12 Merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones: and of pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet: and all thyine wood: and all manner of vessels of ivory: and all manner of vessels of precious stone and of brass and of iron and of marble:
13 And cinnamon and odours and ointment and frankincense and wine and oil and fine flour and wheat and beasts [2] and sheep and horses and chariots: and slaves and souls of men.
14 And the fruits of the desire of thy soul are departed from thee: and all fat and goodly things are perished from thee. And they shall find them no more at all.
15 The merchants of these things, who were made rich, shall stand afar off from her, for fear of her torments, weeping and mourning, … Scripture reference – Rev.: 18:3, 10
16 And saying: Alas! alas! that great city, which was clothed with fine linen and purple and scarlet and was gilt with gold and precious stones and pearls. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 17:4
17 For in one hour are so great riches come to nought.
Dirge of the Mariners
And every shipmaster and all that sail into the lake, and mariners, and as many as work in the sea, stood afar off, … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!; Rev.: 18:10
18 And cried, seeing the place of her burning, saying: What city is like to this great city? … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!; Rev.: 18:9
19 And they cast dust upon their heads and cried, weeping and mourning, saying: Alas! alas! that great city, wherein all were made rich, that had ships at sea, by reason of her prices. For, in one hour she is made desolate. … Scripture reference – Ezek.: 27:29, 30!, 32, 33!
20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven and ye holy apostles and prophets. For God hath judged your judgment on her. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 12:12
The Angel’s Promise
21 And a mighty angel took up a stone, as it were a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying: With such violence as this, shall Babylon, that great city, be thrown down and shall be found no more at all. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 51:63, 64
22 And the voice of harpers and of musicians and of them that play on the pipe and on the trumpet shall no more be heard at all in thee: and no craftsman [3] of any art whatsoever shall be found any more at all in thee: and the sound of the mill shall be heard no more at all in thee: … Scripture reference – Ezek.:26:13!; Jer.: 25:10!
23 And the light of the lamp shall shine no more at all in thee: and the voice of the bridegroom and the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee. For thy merchants were the great men of the earth: for all nations have been deceived by thy enchantments. … Scripture reference – Jer.: 25:10!
24 And in her was found the blood of prophets and of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 16:6!
[1] -Ver. 9-19. This passage is not an account of a vision but rather a direct prophecy, after. the manner of the prophecies of Isaias and Ezechiel concerning Tyre. Tyre furnishes a type of the vengeance of God upon satanic pride and luxury.
[2] -Ver.13. Beasts [of burden]: the Greek has “cattle.”
[3] –Ver. 22 The city had boasted previously of her craftsmen, skilled in every craft.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Talmudic: Satanic Blood Sacrifice of Children and Vatican Homosexual Pederasty
Monday, August 24, 2009
Culture: Ishtar on Babylon, che è Roma, Italia, o Babilonia
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09 maggio 2008 14:35
NUMERO 273 Maggio 2008
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u n fil m di Fa bioma ssim o Lozz i
Cerca in Google
Cerca in Google News
“ Al tromondo”, un f ilm di F abi omass imo Lozz i.
“Altr omondo”, un fi lm di Fa bioma ssi mo Lozz i.
Non vedrà il pubblico delle sale cinematografiche ma uscirà direttamente in
dvd. “Altromondo” è una ripresa dei monologhi adattati da interviste fatte da
Antonio Veneziani e Riccardo Reim e contenute nei libri "Porncuore" e "I
Mignotti" e costituisce l'opera prima di Lozzi. Film bizzarro, un po’
sperimentale tra teatro e documentario. Il tema cardine è l’omofobia e la
paura del diverso, a maggior ragione se il diverso si chiama comunemente
“omosessuale”. La proiezione del film avverrà a Roma in occasione della
giornata nazionale contro l’omofobia, il 17 maggio, mentre nei giorni
successivi la pellicola sarà in tournè per lo Stivale, Perugia, Trento, Milano,
Bologna, Roma, Firenze, Bari e altre ancora.
Nel cast, attori di primo piano che si sono impegnati in questa pellicola di alto
valore sociale.
In particolare, Simone Montedoro, già visto nella fiction “Don Matteo”, Andrea
Bosca e Mirko Batoni.
Angels in America
a Prato
La Leon vince il 23esimo
Festival gay a Torino
Kamasutra - L’arte di
amare una donna
di Pavan K.varma
Festival del cinema gay di
un film di Fabiomassimo
Reda zi one Libr i & D v d
Reda zione Libri & D vd
Il primo processo di Oscar
Wilde - Regina contro
Eva Peron
di Copi
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23/05/08 19:20
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Catholic World News (CWN)
Feature Stories
Archbishop Levada appointed to Congregation for Bishops
Vatican, Aug. 24, 2005 ( -
Archbishop William Levada, the incoming prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has also been named a member of the Congregation for Bishops.
The American archbishop, who will take up his new responsibilities at the Vatican on September 1, will have enormous influence as the head of the Vatican's doctrinal agency, where he take the post vacated by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger when he was elected to the papacy. As a member of the Congregation for Bishops, he will also have a hand in the selection of diocesan leaders thoughout the Catholic world.
Archbishop Levada, who has resigned his post as Archbishop of San Francisco in order to take the Vatican appointment, is the first American ever to occupy the top doctrinal position. He is likely to be named to other Vatican congregations in the future.
Cardinal Ratzinger, prior to his election to the papacy, was a member of the Congregations for Bishops, the Evangelization, for Divine Worship, for Caatholic Education, and for the Eastern Churches; he was also a member of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity.
Friday, October 19, 2007
They Who Understand
Book Review by George Kocan
“The Rite of Sodomy: Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church,” by Randy Engel, New Engel Publishing (2006), Export Pennsylvania, 1283 pages;
TV cameras recently caught the Archbishop of San Francisco giving Holy Communion to men dressed up like what can best be described as blasphemous clowns. They wore heavy make-up to hide their sex and costumes to make them look like nuns. No one could miss the fact that homosexuals staged this hateful stunt to mock the Catholic Church.
Yet, Archbishop George Niederauer dutifully presented the sacred hosts as if nothing was wrong. Later on, he apologized, pleading ignorance. We are to believe that after living for two years in San Francisco, Niederauer does not know who or what the self-styled “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” are. Naturally, intelligent Catholics and other observers of the culture wars are mystified. They just do not understand. . .
However, Catholics do exist who understand and would be more than willing to clarify the issue. Steven Brady understands. An owner of a pizza delivery service, Brady devoted nearly all of his spare time to exposing the predatory homosexuality of his prelate, the Bishop of Springfield, Il, Dan Ryan. Ryan became notorious for cruising for teenaged boys and even trying to force himself on his priests. As of this writing, Brady is recovering from severe injuries resulting from a motorcycle accident.
Fr. Alfred Kunz understood. He helped blow the whistle on Ryan by collecting Brady’s information and contacting the right people in the Vatican to take action. Police found his body in his rectory in a Wisconsin parish, dead of multiple stab wounds. Fr. John Hardon, one of the top Jesuit theologians in the country, understood. Also having good contacts, he and Fr. Kunz planned on going to Rome together to persuade the Vatican to do something. Presumably, Fr. Hardon died of natural causes. He was in his 80’s. The Vatican eventually removed Ryan from his position. Yet, he still enjoys all the perks of a priest and bishop in good standing with the Church.
Fr. Charles Fiore, a Dominican priest, understood. Once a leader in the pro-life movement in Illinois, until he ran into problems with Chicago’s Archbishop, Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, he moved to Wisconsin. Fr. Fiore embarked on a crusade to rid the Church of homosexuals, especially those in the Chicago area. Fr. Fiore apparently died from a fall off a ladder at his home.
Malachi Martin, a former Jesuit, understood. A prolific author of books and novels describing the corruption both in the Jesuit order and the Catholic Church, took a special interest in the Kunz murder. Martin also wrote a 700 page book, “Windswept House,” which told the story of an occult, Satanic conspiracy of pederast priests led by the Archbishop of Century City, a veiled reference to Cardinal Bernardin. I heard Martin discuss his book with Milt Rosenberg, a radio talk show host on WGN. He admitted that his novel centered on Bernardin but explained that he did not make that explicit in the story because he did not want to have his “kneecaps blown off.” Martin died from an accident in his home.
Francis Pellegrini, an organist and choirmaster in a Chicago parish, understood. In May, 1984, police his found the body of Francis Pellegrini on the property of his parish. The unknown assailant(s) bound his hands with barbed wire and stabbed him more than 20 times. Police surmised that either a woman or a homosexual committed the crime. Pelligrini’s girlfriend said that he planned on exposing a sex-ring of priests known as “The Boys’ Club.” Pellegrini expressed the desire to leave the club, which practiced occult rituals as well as sodomy with boys.
Andrew Greeley, pundit, apologist for the Democrat Party, author of “steamy” novels and a Catholic priest, understands. He described such a club in one of his autobiographical books. However, he explained that he had no fear of the Boys’ Club, because whom he knows and what he knows has been written down and placed in a safe place, just in case anything happens to him.
Finally, Randy Engel, the author under consideration, understands. No, my interpretation of the above events does not appear in her book. That does not make it a flawed book. I listed them to draw the reader’s attention to the depth of the corruption that does exist in the Church, which she doggedly and faithfully chronicles.
The history of corruption and homosexuality in the American Church goes as far back as the revolutionary war with England. She has produced a serious and well-researched book. There is much more to the Bernardin story and Engel tells it well, in infuriating and heart-breaking detail. When parents complained that priests in the Chicago suburbs were molesting their boys, the Cardinal told his lawyers to play hardball. When the parents went to court, he counter-sued. His remedy was to assign the abusing priests to other parishes, where they continued their abuse. In one family, two of the abused boys committed suicide when they grew older. Engel names names, places and dates.
Engel’s book does not stop with Bernardin but examines the homosexual influence throughout the American Church, including New York’s Francis Cardinal Spellman and Milwaukee’s Archbishop Rembert Weakland. It deserves wide exposure, as a lesson to Catholics and non-Catholics alike, on how subversives have infiltrated the Church and turned it into a playground and vehicle for their own agenda. She relates how Bella Dodd, a top Communist union organizer in New York, converted to Catholicism and divulged her role in recruiting 1100 young Communist men into Catholic seminaries. Readers learn that the “homosexual collective,” as Engel calls it, targeted the Jesuits and Dominican orders for penetration and subversion. They learn how homosexuals took control of seminaries and systematically screened out candidates to the priesthood who actually believed in Church doctrine. They learn that Cardinal Bernardin made 28 priests bishops, many of whom will carry on his peculiar legacy.
Through intimidation, blackmail and goodness knows what else, the homosexual collective has rendered the leadership of the Church, including perhaps most of the bishops, silent and toothless. As far as I know, Randy Engel still enjoys good health.
George Kocan’s thrilling novel, “The Boys’ Club,” came out in 2006.
- Steve in Vista said...
The attempt to substitute the false blood sacrifices of the Jews for the real Holy Blood offering of Jesus Christ, the eternal High Priest, is utterly Satanic on the part of the Jews and apostate Vatican 2.
This is connnected to their ghoulishness in "Israel" as well.
There is a Diabolic connection to grave robbing and ghoul blood lust murder. Necromancy and Moloch Satanic ritual to give the perpetrators Satanic power is what it is all about.
That is connected to the absolutely depraved homosexual pederast agenda of the apostate Vatican.
Apocalypse (The Revelation) Chapter 9
The Sixth Trumpet
13 ¶ And the sixth angel sounded the trumpet: and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before the eyes of God, … Scripture reference – Rev.: 8:7!
14 Saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet: Loose the four angels who are bound in the great river Euphrates.
15 And the four angels were loosed, who were prepared for an hour, [4] and a day, and a month, and a year: for to kill the third part of men.
16 And the number of the army of horsemen was twenty thousand times ten thousand. And I heard the number of them.
17 And thus [5] I saw the horses in the vision. And they that sat on them had breastplates of fire and of hyacinth and of brimstone. And the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions: and from their mouths proceeded fire and smoke and brimstone.
18 And by these three plagues was slain the third part of men, by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouths.
19 For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails. For, their tails are like to serpents and have heads: and with them they hurt. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 9:10
20 And the rest of the men, who were not slain by these plagues, did not do penance from the works of their hands, that they should not adore devils and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood, which neither can see nor hear nor walk: … Scripture reference – Rev.: 2:21; 16:9;Dan.: 5:23
21 Neither did they penance from their murders nor from their sorceries nor from their fornication nor from their thefts. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 2:21; 16:11
[4] -Ver. 15. Who had been kept ready for the hour: the loosing of the angels would take place at a definite period, the year, month, day and hour of which are known, in accordance with the Providence of God.
[5] -Ver. 17. The Greek text is usually punctuated to read, “I saw. . . the horses and those who sat on them. . . , having. . . ..
------------------------------- - August 25, 2009 9:19 PM
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Culture: Ishtar on Babylon, che è Roma, Italia, o Babilonia
vs. (Israel)
Note: also (Soviet Union) exists !!
and also (Iran) !!!
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- Рассказчик правды said...
Totally left wing Marxist with depravity.
- September 24, 2009 3:15 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Ritual Murder is Part of Black Magic
Ritual Murder is Part of Black Magic
"I chose to [speak] about the Jewish holiday of Purim, because it is connected to the month of March. This holiday has some dangerous customs that will, no doubt, horrify you, and I apologize if any reader is harmed because of this."
"During this holiday, the Jew must prepare very special pastries, the filling of which is not only costly and rare - it cannot be found at all on the local and international markets."
"Unfortunately, this filling cannot be left out, or substituted with any alternative serving the same purpose. For this holiday, the Jewish people must obtain human blood so that their clerics can prepare the holiday pastries. In other words, the practice cannot be carried out as required if human blood is not spilled!!"
"Before I go into the details, I would like to clarify that the Jews' spilling human blood to prepare pastry for their holidays is a well-established fact, historically and legally, all throughout history. This was one of the main reasons for the persecution and exile that were their lot in Europe and Asia at various times."
"This holiday [Purim] begins with a fast, on March 13, like the Jewess Esther who vowed to fast. The holiday continues on March 14; during the holiday, the Jews wear carnival-style masks and costumes and overindulge in drinking alcohol, prostitution, and adultery. This holiday has become known among Muslim historians as the "Holiday of Masks."
"Who was Esther, and why the Jews sanctify her and act as she did, I will clarify in my article next Tuesday, Allah willing. Today, I would like to tell you how human blood is spilled so it can be used for their holiday pastries. The blood is spilled in a special way. How is it done?"
"For this holiday, the victim must be a mature adolescent who is, of course, a non-Jew - that is, a Christian or a Muslim. His blood is taken and dried into granules. The cleric blends these granules into the pastry dough; they can also be saved for the next holiday. In contrast, for the Passover slaughtering, about which I intend to write one of these days, the blood of Christian and Muslim children under the age of 10 must be used, and the cleric can mix the blood [into the dough] before or after dehydration."
"Let us now examine how the victims' blood is spilled. For this, a needle-studded barrel is used; this is a kind of barrel, about the size of the human body, with extremely sharp needles set in it on all sides. [These needles] pierce the victim's body, from the moment he is placed in the barrel."
"These needles do the job, and the victim's blood drips from him very slowly. Thus, the victim suffers dreadful torment - torment that affords the Jewish vampires great delight as they carefully monitor every detail of the blood-shedding with pleasure and love that are difficult to comprehend."
"After this barbaric display, the Jews take the spilled blood, in the bottle set in the bottom [of the needle-studded barrel], and the Jewish cleric makes his coreligionists completely happy on their holiday when he serves them the pastries in which human blood is mixed."
"Thereis another way to spill the blood: The victim can be slaughtered as a sheep is slaughtered, and his blood collected in a container. Or, the victim's veins can be slit in several places, letting his blood drain from his body."
"This blood is very carefully collected - as I have already noted - by the 'rabbi,' the Jewish cleric, the chef who specializes in preparing these kinds of pastries."
"The human race refuses even to look at the Jewish pastries, let alone prepare them or consume them!"
- Ar-Riyadh, Saudi government daily, two-part article entitled "The Jewish Holiday of Purim" by Dr. Umayma Ahmad Al-Jalahma of King Faysal University in Al-Dammam, March 10 and March 12, 2002 *
And see:
Another Ritual Murder Case Suspected in Russia
Publication time: 3 November 2006, 21:15
Five teenagers - three boys and two girls - aged from 13 to 16 went missing simultaneously in the southern Russian town of Bryansk near the Ukrainian border. It was reported about the loss by parents of a teenager almost two weeks ago.
Local police began the search of the children, who left home more than 10 days ago. The children were last seen at Bryansk 2 Railway Station, where they were registered by outdoor surveillancesystem, on October, 19 night. Witnesses said the teenagers were going to leave the town.
It was established that the children had not left their homes for the first time, although they used to disappear for two or three days. Police believe that an appeal to Bryansk residents will help to find the teenagers.
It is worth reminding that a similar case had happened in Krasnoyarsk in spring 2006,when five boys, aged from nine to twelve, went missing. One of the boys had been escaping from home repeatedly. The federal search of the children started and lasted for 21 days. More than one thousand people were employed in the search. The charred remains of the children were found in a sewing pipe in May.
A criminal case was incited by the Public Prosecutors' Office first on kidnapping, then on murder. The children's remains underwent numerous forensic medical expert examinations later to establish the death reasons. The children were buried in Krasnoyarsk on September, 25, the Russian agency
News Lab reported.
Russian Christians accused local jews for kidnapping and killing these Christian and Muslim children in Krasnoyarsk that happened just a week before the jewish Passover in 2006. As established by Russian police in the last investigated case of jewish ritual murders of a 10-year-old Christian
child, Andrey Yushchinsky, during a trial in Kyiv in 1912, the jews regularly kidnap children and slowly exsanguinate them in a special ritual similar to the jewish slaughter of cattle. 33 wounds (equal to earthly years of Christ) in distinguished places of the body of a bound child victim are
reported to be needed to collect the pouring blood according to the ritual.The blood in then collected in cloths, the cloths are subsequently dried up, burnt, and the ashes are added in jewish food, such as matzoth (buscuits of unleavened wheatmeal) . Police and religious expert including
jews converted to Christianity testified at the trial that the jews believed such food brought them financia prosperity, happiness and a huge sexual potency.
In addition to a definite number of wounds cut with a blunt instrument in distinguished places, a special feature distinguishing the jewish ritual from for example murders by Satanists is that the dead bodies of victims are to be thrown out in the open and should be in no case burried in the earth or hidden in some other way.
The remains of the children found in Krasnoyarsk were thrown in the open and contained no blood traces at all, meaning that the victims were exsanguinated before their deaths, acccording to an earlier Russian news report.
The Naasseni and Isis
The Naasseni and Isis
The swastika is one of the so-called birth symbols of the buddha; in actuality it is an ancient sun symbol of paganism and black magic -- For the Diabolic Judaic corrupted cross instead of a real Crucifix also see:
The Broken Cross The Hidden Hand in the Vatican by Piers Compton
[brief excerpt from Part Four]
He also made use of a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term, ‘Mark of the Beast’.
Yet not only Paul VI but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ. Furthermore, this exhibition of a desiccated figure on a twisted stick was forbidden by Canon 1279, which condemned the usage of any sacred image that is not in keeping with the approved usage of the Church. That it was used for occult purposes may be seen in woodcuts shown in the Museum of Witchcraft in Bayonne, France.
[end of brief excerpt from Part Four -- see link for whole book]
The more ancient Satanic corruption is as follows (it is all totally of the Devil):
The heresy of the Naasseni (literally “Naas” is Hebrew for serpent, Gnostic Jews serpent worshipping Satanists) is adverted to by the other leading writers on heresy in the early age of the Church. See St. Irenaeus, i, 34: Origen, Contr. Cels., vi 28 (p. 291 et seq. ed. Spenc.); Tertullian, Proeser., c. 47 Theodoret, Haeretic. Fabul, i. 14; Epiphanius, Advers. Haereses., xxv. and xxxvii.: St. Augustine, De Haeres., xvii.; Jerome, Comment. Epist. ad Galat., lib. ii. The Abbe Cruice reminds his readers that the Naasseni carried their doctrines into India, and refers to the Asiatic Researches (vol. x. p. 39). It was from this that the main composers of Buddhist teachings, Nagarjuna (literally “wise snake”) and Ashvaghosha, got their ideas (early second century A.D.) which are at the real historical beginning of Buddhism and not the mythic beginning around 500 B.C. concurrent with Mahavira and Goshala.
The Abbe Cruice mentions the following works as of authority among the Gnostic Naasseni, and from whence they derived their system: The Gospel of Perfection, Gospel of Eve, The Questions of Mary, Concerning the Offspring of Mary, The Gospel of Philip, The Gospel according to (1) Thomas, (2) the Egyptians.
The Hebrew word is nachash. Hebrew for serpent and black magic and from whence comes the Indian word naga (serpent) and which is the same as nag in Nag Hammadi where the Gnostic writings were found a few decades ago and totally backed up everything that the Church Fathers said about the Gnostics.
paraton autoon logon. Bernaysius suggests for these words, patera too autoo logoo. Schneidewin regards the emendation as an error, and Bunsen partly so. The latter would read, patera ton autoon Logon, i.e., "The Naasseni honour the Father of all existent things, the Logos, as man and the Son of Man." That is they honor: Satan as God the Father which is absolute blasphemy, and Jesus Christ as only man and only one example of the Logos and born of Mary and Joseph and not by the virgin birth, which is also absolute apostasy. This is the same as the Jewish position today concerning Jesus Christ.
In the above the reliance of the Naasseni on the Mother Goddess is obvious. (The Gospel of Perfection, Gospel of Eve, The Questions of Mary, Concerning the Offspring of Mary, The Gospel of Philip, The Gospel according to (1) Thomas, (2) the Egyptians.)
All of this has roots in the worship of the Egyptian Serpent Goddess Isis.
The virgin goddess of black magic :
The ancient image of the beast was in fact the Harlot's representation in Rome, i. e. the images of Tyche (Fortuna) the goddess of fortune meaning fate or destiny. It was from Alexandria, Egypt (later on in the early third century, home of the neo-gnostic/christian school the Didascalia) in the early 2nd century A.D. that Valentinus brought the pseudo-christian gnostic gospel of Mary to Rome which St. Irenaeus (180 A.D.) so ably refuted in his “Against Heresies”. This so-called gospel of Mary (found in the Egyptian Nag Hammadi gnostic library in the 1940s) was nothing more than Isis and Horus the Egyptian false goddess/god child usurping the place of the true Jesus Christ Who by the Holy Spirit of the Father was truly born of (Incarnate and given birth to by) the virgin Mary. It was also in Alexandria that the title of Pope was first used in the third century long before it was picked up and used by the bishop of Rome.
Tyche was the goddess which was the summation, in the Graeco-Egyptian religion of the Graeco-Roman world, of all goddesses and therefore the beginning and end of all the poytheistic gods and goddesses of the ancient mediterranean world. The Cumaean, Tiburtine and Delphic sibyls were the principal fortune tellers of the Roman empire which would convince the citizens of the empire of the will of Rome (the beast from the sea). The beast from the earth was the false prophet i.e. sorcerers and magicians and Ceasar himself as pontifex maximus of the Roman religion. The three spirits out of the mouth of the dragon and the beast and the false prophet are the three sibyls above.
The precursor in Egypt, of Tyche as mother goddess summation of all the gods/goddesses, is the triple goddess Isis represented and invocated as Selene-Mene-Hecate. This is the absolute worst of the virgin goddess of black magic/sorcery in the history of the world.The representation is Isis as sorceress in her lunar and chthonic form united to the sky above and ruler of earth in between standing on the globe of theworld around which a serpent is coiled. One statue still extant today of Isis as this sorceress is the Farnese Isis (Naples Museum). She holds the Intaglio (magic ring of the serpent uroboros, the serpent that eats it own tail). The formula of consecration is invoked by the power of the serpent with the crescent moon with two stars one on each end of the horns of the crescent moon forming the tang of the sorcerer/sorceress with the sun of Abraxas, the ancient god of all sorcery and black magic surmounted above that. Any resemblance to the false representation of Mary as the Immaculate Conception especially as shown on the so-called "Miraculous Medal" standing on the globe of the earth is NOT ACCIDENTAL.
In the fifth/sixth century A.D. the Syrian writings of Pseudo-Dionysios first appeared and were later added to. In this the ancient pagan idea of synthesizing, that is combining all the ancient gods/goddesses, an idea going back to the Graeco-Egyptian Hermes Trimegistus (Apollyon appearing as Hermes thrice blessed - a pagan false trinity), was put forth in gnostic psuedo christian dress. Included was Mary as the summation of all that is divine, i. e. the mother triple goddess. Sergei Bulgakov was condemned by his own church, the Russian Orthodox Church, as a heretic, in the first part of the 20th century for this same thing, in which Bulgakov attempted to make Mary the Hupostasis of God and the divinity by which each of the Three Persons of the Most Holy Trinity of the True God is approached and in no other way. In short, it is a sophism to make her the triple goddess and replace the worship of the True Trinity with polytheistic/pantheism. This worship of Satan in place of the True God, the Most Holy Trinity will only bringutter destruction upon the earth.
In the summation of all Heresies and Apostasies and Blaspheming of the Holy Spirit known as Vatican II, Bulgakov's blasphemous system was inculcated by name and in this same false teaching of Bulgakov to make the Antitheotokos the virgin goddess of black magic to support all of the false apparitions (heretofor condemned), supposedly of Mary, and make these apparitions accepted and thereby bring in KNOWINGLY the Gnostic evolutionary Monism - Pantheism of this "ecumenical council of thieves".
For instance the Gnostics, according to the Church Fathers, basing themselves on the Naasseni (the apostate Jewish serpent worshipping Satanist priesthood cult which is the base for all Kabalah and the Zohar) copied much of theirdoctrine from Platonism, Graeco-Egyptian paganism and far eastern religiosity and claimed, totally falsely, that this is what Jesus taught. It is not at all what Jesus taught nor at all what Moses taught. The Gnostic doctrines are obvious in this plagiarizing of paganism and denial of the true Jesus Christ. In the East the Buddhist teaching of how Sakyamuni (Gotama), the Buddha, obtained his “enlightenment” is obviously diabolic and has a great deal in common with Graeco-Egyptian mysticism in the west; especially this is extremely similar to Simon Magus’ portrayal of himself entwined with snakes in the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil as a man-god to be sought after as the ultimate teacher of true knowledge. The prime example: The Dragon Flower Tree (the banyan or pipal [fig] tree) from which the great white serpent from the abyss (the devil) granted Gotama (the Buddha) his “enlightenment” which consisted of his denying the I AM and being his own saviour. Otherwise known as the Tree of theKnowledge of Good and Evil which in classical and traditional Catholic teaching is the first type of the devil. Gn:2:17: 17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat. For in what day soever thou shalt eat of it, thou shalt die the death. (DRV)
Jesus Christ said:
1 ¶ Amen, amen, I say to you: He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold but climbeth up another way, the same is a thief and a robber.
2 But he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
7 Jesus therefore said to them again: Amen, amen, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
8 All others, as many as have come, are thieves and robbers: and the sheep heard them not.
9 I am the door. By me, if any man enter in, he shall be saved: and he shall go in and go out, and shall find pastures.
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they may have life and may have it more abundantly.
11 I am the good shepherd. Thegood shepherd giveth his life for his sheep.
12 But the hireling and he that is not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming and leaveth the sheep and flieth: and the wolf casteth and scattereth the sheep,
13 And the hireling flieth, because he is a hireling: and he hath no care for the sheep.
It is Masonry that we find at the core of the Vatican II apostasy. The smoke of Satan is the Satanic black mass, as mentioned by Malachi Martin in his writings. Although the Antipope Paul VI mentioned the smoke of Satan, he was part and parcel of it. It is especially the black mass child sacrifice by murdering and offering this murdered child to Satan, it is that form, that is the core of the Novus Ordo and Vatican II and everyone that is connected with it and has lead and will lead to nothing but apostasy and that black mass that continues to this day; this Masonry with the Judeo-Freemason Cardinals of the Vatican who were and are the willing servants of Satan and the Antipopes who are the willing pawns of Satan. Those Antipopes are: John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
This prefigures the final abomination of desolation in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, the human sacrifice to the Antichrist in that rebuilt temple.
The sons of Israel and Esau.
Collectivism was pioneered in the Rabbinic Academies of Palestine after Christ, those same Pharisees who rejected Jesus and said we will have no other than Caesar to rule over us (the Jews) - John 19:15. When Rome increasingly apostatized to Caesar, then more and more of the apostate Jews fell under Rome's sway. They use one another. Communism - Socialism - Marxism was totally a Judaist invention as an outgrowth of Lurianic Cabalistic Talmudic Judaism and increasingly infiltrated and subsumed Russia and the European market and the so-called Capitalistic trade (Central Banks are not free market Capitalist as envisioned by the founding fathers). Fair dealings have been replaced by the thirty shekels of silver the Pharisees paid to Judas Iscariot to betray Christ - Matthew 26:15 and Matthew 27:9.
British Petroleum is one example of Socialist British Central Banking collectivism masquerading as free market Capitalism. The recent staged spill and the scare that the world will end is typical Communist infiltration and terrorism and subversion. That some "scientists" would appear as shills of such an effort is not at all unique, Einstein was such a one in the twentieth century. The Russian version of this recently was the Gazprom disaster (Russian: Открытое акционерное общество "Газпром" Otkrytoye aktsionernoye obshchestvo "Gazprom"). The aim is to collectivize all trade and money to the Communist Czars who are in every country worldwide- don't forget that Obama is Gorbachev's puppet.
Meanwhile the other arm of subversion typical of Communists is propaganda - such as is used by shills pretending to be oppressed people and represent them and are in fact imposters (Judaist Communists excell in this - Judaist Zio-Communists specialize in this in the Middle East - they shill out of their mouths: "Oh, I am being attacked for the truth on all sides and intimidated and coerced and it is the big bad Amerikanskis' fault -- oh, we must turn to hardline Communism for an answer." Sheer lying garbage. It has destroyed Syria and Lebanon and a large part of the Palestinian resistance and Egypt and now is destroying Iraq.).
Amoral secularism is a branch of Communist infiltration - feminism is its demon-child.